In a recent turn of events, the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) has begun to issue assessments to companies operating ocean-going petroleum tankers, based on intelligence obtained from regulators. The letters have been addressed to International Petroleum Vessel Companies (IPVCs) deemed to have “conducted business” in Nigeria. In the assessment letters, the FIRS either apply a 6% tax plus a 10% penalty and 19% interest on perceived freight income earned by the IPVCs from periods as early as 2011, or assume a treaty rate which is lower in most cases. In some of those assessments, the FIRS includes a tax on demurrage and detention charges earned on vessels chattered. There are no public details of how the income earned by the IPVCs was determined.
The FIRS stated that if the IPVCs assessed fail to submit their tax returns or make payments, it will be considered as tax evasion. The FIRS also mentioned that they are prepared to activate international cooperation mechanisms with foreign jurisdictions to enforce the tax payments.

International shipping companies need to evaluate whether they are required to register and pay taxes in Nigeria and determine the extent of their revenue subject to Nigerian tax. This is now more critical, considering new tax law amendments that require international shipping companies with Nigerian operations, to submit their Tax Clearance Certificates (TCC) upon request by the regulators.
Please read our Tax Alert below:
Download PwC Tax Alert- FIRS Issues Assessments to International Shipping Companies
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