The FIRS has shared communications with taxpayers regarding the commencement of exchange of information with other countries. The communication reads as follows:
“We are delighted to inform you that the AEOI-CRS System Portal has gone Live!
All Reporting Financial Institutions are expected to file reports on or before 30th September 2020.
The designated official of each Financial Institution is required to enroll on the AEOI-CRS System Portal, as a Primary user, to enable the Financial Institution, file its CRS reports.
To enroll as a Primary user and have access to related AEOI-CRS documents, please visit the FIRS website at and navigate the menu tab on Automatic Exchange of Information.”
You can also watch this interview with Mr. Gbonjubola, Head of Tax Policy and Mr Edga Head of AEOI at FIRS for further details.